1 John 3:1-8 is an interesting passage. It is usually glossed over without stopping long enough to determine what the passage is about. It talks about the love the Father has given us. It talks about us being the sons of God. It talks about Jesus coming again. Also mentions the law, defines sin, and that Jesus was manifest to take our sins away. There is one important point that most people don’t even notice: the passage starts talking about the Father, but never changes the subject. This passage reveals who the Father is.
Learn MoreThe scriptures tell us that Jesus sits on the right hand of God. There have been many interpretations as to what the right hand of God refers to. Some see the right hand of God as symbolic, while others see it as literal. If it is symbolic, what could it mean? If it is literal, does this mean that God has a physical right hand and that Jesus is separate from God because he is standing on the right hand of God? It is easy to get into a false understanding of God by misinterpreting this phrase.
Learn MoreThere were several events that took place during the baptism of Jesus. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist even though he had no sin. There was a voice heard from heaven. The Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove. These events lead to many questions. Why was Jesus baptized? Why did God speak from heaven? Why was the Holy Ghost seen as a dove? The baptism of Jesus is often used to demonstrate a ‘tri-unity’ of God. Is the voice and the dove proof of ‘persons’ within the Godhead, do they demonstrate multiple Gods, or are they manifestations of God?
Learn MoreJesus is the Son of God, and Jesus is God. Jesus is the Son in his humanity, and Jesus is the Father in his Deity, but this is not the same thing as saying the Son is the Father. There are many distinctions between the Father and the Son. There is a difference in power, and a difference in knowledge. There is a definite distinction between the two. Just because there is a distinction, does this make them two ‘persons’ within the Godhead?
Learn MoreMany verses describe the existence of Jesus before his birth in Bethlehem. How did Jesus exist before his human life began? Did he exist as the Son of God before his birth in Bethlehem? Did he exist apart from the Father? Was Jesus a created being that God made to dwell in? Is Jesus the Creator as the Son of God? These are some of the many popular teachings about the pre-existence of Jesus, but none of them are found in scripture. Let’s examine the scriptures and allow them to tell us how Jesus existed before his incarnation.
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