I recently had my hands on two of the top e-readers on the market: the latest Kindle and its rival, the nook. Both machines look great. Both have advantages over the other, and both are great for Bible study.
I never go to Church without my notebook. The preacher will always say something that I want to remember and refer back to. Sometimes this leads me to study the topic further, sometimes it gives me verses to put in my memory list, other times it gives me a reference to use. Sometimes it gives me ideas for articles to write. This article contains some of my thoughts, methods, tips, and advice on using a notebook for personal Bible study and note-taking.
BibleWorks 8 contains a vast wealth of study tools that allows you to study the Scriptures more deeply in much less time than the old fashioned way. This goes for preparing sermons and classes too. I highly recommend BibleWorks 8 for Pastors, teachers, writers, etc, but even more than that BibleWorks 8 can help anyone dig deeper into God’s Word.
The looseleaf Bible is one of the best Bibles for study because of the amount of room for writing and the ability to insert pages for notes, maps, etc. Jonathan Ammon of Bible Reading Project has demonstrated how to make your very own KJV looseleaf Bible:
Homemade KJV Looseleaf
Jonathan also gives many helpful tips on Bible study and marking. Even if you’re not interested in making your own looseleaf Bible, his article is worth reading for the tips alone.
Learn MoreThe Bible is simple, and yet profound. The Word of God is our roadmap, but so many get lost and confused in the interpretation. Our interpretation of Scripture changes the way we act, the way we talk, and the way we live. Without proper interpretation principles, any doctrine can be taught. There are thousands of denominations today, even though we were given one gospel. In order to fully understand God’s Word, it must be interpreted correctly.
Learn MoreHiding the Word in our hearts is one of the most important things we can do as Christians. Memorizing God’s Word helps us to grow deeper in the Word, helps us to be better at witnessing to others, helps us to defend the faith, and helps us to grow closer to God.