A wide margin Bible is one of the best Bibles available for personal Bible study. Wide margin Bibles do not contain someone else’s notes. Instead, they give you the writing-room you need to make your own notes, thus creating your own Study Bible. One problem I have seen is that there is not a lot of information about how to use them. Many people (myself included) have bought a wide margin Bible in order to create a personal Study Bible, only to find they are not sure what to include. “OK. I have these nice margins. Now what?”
One of the most important things we can do in our walk with God is to study the scriptures. Growing deeper in God’s Word helps us to grow closer to God. It helps build our faith and helps us to have wisdom. It helps us to make proper judgments based on the way God sees things. It helps us to witness to others and defend the faith.
I recently developed a new marking system for my new wide margin Bible. Since I got a new Bible I wanted to develop my color code a little more to include more subjects and get a little more detailed with my marking and study. I also wanted to refine my current subjects a little. My wife also uses my color code, and she added a few subjects of her own. I wanted to add her subjects and she wanted to add my new subjects. So, we collaborated and developed this new color code. We ended up with this new color code to go with my new marking system.
Learn MoreI just ordered a new Bible. Every time I change Bibles I modify my marking system, getting more detailed and more useful every time. The Bible I just bought is a single column, 2.5 inch wide margin, so a new marking method is in order.
Learn MoreThe Bible is like a treasure- the more you dig, the more you discover. Studying the Bible is like an archaeological dig- the more you uncover the more exiting it becomes. Rightly dividing the Word of God is in itself a lifetime of study; marking your Bible helps in that study. Bible marking helps in remembering what you’ve learned, helps to memorize scripture, and helps to put things in context.