The Book that Made Your World by Vishal Mangalwadi from Thomas Nelson Publishers is a historical journey that shows the affect the Bible had in reforming Europe and turned the West into a unique, prosperous, technical, and scientific civilization.
Is the Bible Reliable? building the historical case from Tyndale Publishing is a 2-DVD and book set from the creators of Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project. This is the second set in the TrueU series.
Miklal Software Solutions offers a solid e-reader edition of Strong’s Greek Dictionary of the Bible for Kindle and nook. This review covers the Kindle edition.
Galileo by Mitch Stokes is part of the Christian Encounters series and is a fascinating biography of Galileo Galilei. When most people hear the name Galileo, they do not think of Christianity. They think instead of long nights of watching the stars through telescopes. Most do not know that Galileo was interested in the Bible and wanted to be a Monk.
Commentaries on Genesis 1-3 by Severain of Gabala and Bede the Venerable from Intervaristy Press is part of their Ancient Christian Texts series. This edition, focusing on the Hexameron- the Six Days of Creation, is the English translation of Severian of Gabala’s In Cosmogoniam and Book 1 of Bede the Venerable’s Libri Quatuor in Principium Genesis.
Greek Commentaries on Revelation by Oecumenius and Andrew of Caesarea is from InterVarsity Press’ Ancient Christian Texts series. Both commentaries come from the 6th century and provide opposing views on the book of Revelation.