Today is the 400th anniversary of the King James Version (my favorite translation). I thought I’d give a short list of some of my all-time favorite KJV Bibles.
Commentaries on Genesis 1-3 by Severain of Gabala and Bede the Venerable from Intervaristy Press is part of their Ancient Christian Texts series. This edition, focusing on the Hexameron- the Six Days of Creation, is the English translation of Severian of Gabala’s In Cosmogoniam and Book 1 of Bede the Venerable’s Libri Quatuor in Principium Genesis.
Oxford University Press just released the large print edition of the Scofield Study Bible III in New King James Version. The Scofield Study Bible III is the 2002 revision of the original Scofield Study Bible. The NKJV edition has been available for a while, but it is now available in large print, and it looks nice.
The Ryrie Study Bible is a well-respected Study Bible that is rich with notes, references, outlines, charts, and more. The Ryrie Study Bible is now available in the English Standard Version (ESV).
The Family Life Marriage Bible is published by Thomas Nelson Publishers and is written by Dennis and Barbara Rainey, co-founders of FamilyLife. It is a nice devotional Bible for couples with a focus on building stronger families and family relationships.
Greek Commentaries on Revelation by Oecumenius and Andrew of Caesarea is from InterVarsity Press’ Ancient Christian Texts series. Both commentaries come from the 6th century and provide opposing views on the book of Revelation.