The more you love the Scriptures, the firmer will be your faith. There is little backsliding when people love the Scriptures.
Pascal said, “Human knowledge must be understood in order to be loved; but Divine knowledge must be loved to be understood.”
When I pray, I talk to God, but when I read the Bible, God is talking to me; and it is really more important that God should speak to me than that I should speak to Him I believe we should know better how to pray if we knew our Bibles better.
We take good care of this body that we inhabit for a day, and then leave; we feed it three times a day, and we clothe it, and deck it, and by and by it is going into the grave to rot; but the inner man, that is to live on and on forever, is lean and starved. “Man shall not Live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
It is not our work to make men believe: that is the work of the Holy Spirit.
We are not fountains ourselves; but the Word of God is the true fountain.
Read the Bible, my friends, as if you were seeking for something of value. It is a good deal better to take a single chapter, and spend a month on it, than to read the Bible at random for a month.