Miklal Software Solutions Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) for nook and Kindle is a beautiful version of the Hebrew text. Everything is here: all of the consonants, vowels, accent marks, etc., making this a complete rendering of the Leningrad Codex. The Kindle version includes The Comprehensive Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Glossary by Humphrey H. Hardy. This review covers the nook edition.
Miklal Software Solutions The Comprehensive Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Glossary for nook contains both Hebrew and Aramaic dictionaries from Humphrey H. Hardy II.
Miklal Software Solutions Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionary of the Bible for nook contains both Greek and Hebrew (with Aramaic) dictionaries by James Strong.
The NIV Archaeological Study Bible was recently released for Kindle and nook. Both sellers now have this Bible available for $3.99. That’s a 92% savings! (the price is currently $19.99. My thanks to Dan for the update). The good thing about buying this Bible is that you can use it on most newer devices (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry), without having to have a Kindle or nook. You can download them here:
I recently had my hands on two of the top e-readers on the market: the latest Kindle and its rival, the nook. Both machines look great. Both have advantages over the other, and both are great for Bible study.