The Dawkins Delusion? Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine by Alister McGrath and Joanna Collicutt McGrath is a rebuttal to the book The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. The McGrath’s pull no punches as they analyze Dawkins’ claims and statements in his book.
Acts 29, The Mission Continues… A Course in Sharing Your Faith by Chris Kovac is a workbook and study guide to help you share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
My favorite study Bibles are those that give you the room to create your own notes. The NRSV Notetaker’s Bible is just that. The NRSV Notetaker’s Bible with the Apocrypha from Oxford University Press is a Bible with a single column of text and a column of ruled lines for taking notes, making it an excellent study or devotional Bible.
BibleWorks 8 is a vast program that heightens the quality of your Bible study through word analysis, parallel comparisons with other Bible versions, commentaries, and more. I’ve been using my free review copy for a few weeks now and I wanted to write a follow-up review and cover some of my favorite features that I’ve used so far. There are many excellent features in BibleWorks 8, so this is nowhere near an exhaustive list, but this will show how I’ve been using BibleWorks 8 and what I’ve found to be most useful so far.
The kind folks over at BibleWorks have graciously given me a review copy of BibleWorks 8. This review is my first impressions of the software. After I’ve used the software for a while I will write a follow-up review to give some more depth of this vast Bible study program.
The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges is a study on the fruit of the Spirit. This book goes much further than that. It not only covers what the fruit of the Spirit are, but also covers why you need the fruit and how you get the fruit. It also shows how to keep the fruit in your life.