Bible History Daily has a great list of free e-books on Biblical archaeology (and several other topics). These e-books provide some excellent resources for study of Biblical archaeology.
Bible History Daily
Free eBooks

Ten Top Biblical Archaeology Discoveries
This free eBook brings together the exciting worlds of archaeology and the Bible in ten top Biblical archaeology discoveries! Learn the stories behind Biblical archaeology finds like the Pool of Siloam in Israel, where the Gospel of John says Jesus miraculously restored sight to a blind man.

Frank Moore Cross: Conversations with a Bible Scholar
Celebrate the 90th birthday of renowned Biblical and archaeological scholar Frank Moore Cross with a comprehensive but readable overview of his scholarship. This collection of five interviews with Cross by BAR editor Hershel Shanks is a treasure. Professor Cross, who has held the Hancock chair at Harvard for 35 years, is generally regarded by his colleagues with awe.

James, Brother of Jesus: The Forgery Trial of the Century
After five years, the “forgery trial of the century” has concluded in a Jerusalem courtroom. Defendants Oded Golan and Robert Deutsch await the judge’s verdict, and so does the rest of the world. In this free eBook, Hershel Shanks explains why he believes the now-famous “James Ossuary” inscription is authentic. Plus, he provides behind-the-scenes analysis of the trial and its key players. Be among the first to receive this free eBook—immediately—as soon the trial verdict is handed down. As an added benefit, we’ll send you an English translation of the verdict.

The Holy Bible: A Buyer’s Guide
Walk through the religion section of any major bookstore, and you’ll see an amazing array of Bibles. The broad selection of translations (also called versions)—and the seemingly endless ways in which they are packaged—is without historical precedent. Rather than the “blessing” it could and probably should be, it may be off-putting. In this free eBook, prominent Biblical scholars expertly guide you through 21 different Bible versions and address their content, text, style and religious orientation.

The Dead Sea Scrolls—What They Really Say
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? Why are they important? Learn where the Scrolls were found and by whom, how they came to be acquired (some were even offered for sale through an ad in the Wall Street Journal!) and, most important, how they add to our knowledge of how the Bible was formed and how they illuminate our understanding of Christianity and Judaism.

I Volunteered for This?! Life on an Archaeological Dig
Ever wondered what it’s like to volunteer on an archaeological dig? This free eBook gives you the know-how to get around and to be forewarned on what to expect from life at an dig site. You’ll be glad to have this informative, amusing and sometimes touching collection of articles by archaeological dig volunteers.

The Galilee Jesus Knew
Galilee is one of the most evocative locales in the New Testament—the area where Jesus was raised, where many of the Apostles came from, and where Jesus first began to preach. This free eBook focuses on several aspects of Galilee: how Jewish the area was in Jesus’ time, the ports and the fishing industry that were so central to the region, and several sites where Jesus likely stayed and preached.

Real or Fake? A Special Report
The Biblical Archaeology Society recently convened a conference in Jerusalem of leading scholars from all over the world to assess a number of well-known artifacts that had in recent years been labeled as forgeries. If these artifacts are in fact genuine, they would have a major impact on our knowledge of the Biblical world. Biblical Archaeology Review editor Hershel Shanks offers a detailed report on this important conference in this free eBook.

The Burial of Jesus
Filmmakers James Cameron (who directed Titanic) and Simcha Jacobovici claim to have identified the tomb of Jesus and his family. The merits of the case will likely take months and perhaps even years to sort out. To get a better sense of the issues involved, consult this free eBook, with articles by prominent archaeologists on the burial customs in ancient Jerusalem, what Jesus’ tomb would have looked like and what we know of Jesus’ family.

Island Jewels: Understanding Ancient Cyprus and Crete
Take a journey to Cyprus and Crete, two stunning history-laden lands in the Mediterranean. Visit several key historical places on both islands and discover many of the great objects that have been unearthed there by archaeologists. Let the island hopping begin in this free eBook!

Exploring Jordan: The Other Biblical Land
Other than Israel, no country has as many Biblical sites and associations as Jordan: Mount Nebo, from where Moses gazed at the Promised Land he could not enter; Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John baptized Jesus; Lot’s Cave, where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; Madaba, home of a stunning mosaic map of the Holy Land; the lands of the ancient kingdoms of Ammon, Moab and Edom, and many more. Travel with us on our journey into the past in this free eBook.

Easter: Exploring the Resurrection of Jesus
Not even the intense drama and tragedy of Jesus’ trial, passion, death and burial can prepare one for the utter shock at what comes next in the well-known story: Jesus’ resurrection. In this free eBook, expert Bible scholars and archaeologists offer in-depth research and reflections on the resurrection story.

The First Christmas: The Story of Jesus’ Birth in History and Tradition
Interested in the Christmas story, and what it meant to the earliest Christians? In this free eBook, expert Bible scholars and archaeologists offer glimpses of the first Christmas as recounted and understood by those who first told the beloved story.

The Olympic Games: How They All Began
Every two years, the Olympics will draw global attention as people follow the modern version of the world’s most ancient and venerable competition. But what are the origins of this 2700-year-old event? Tracing the enigmatic, mystical genesis of the Greek Olympiad, this free eBook takes us on a journey to ancient Greece with some of the finest scholars of the ancient world. Ranging from the original religious significance of the games to the brutal athletic competitions themselves, this free eBook paints a picture of the ancient sports world and its devoted fans.

From Babylon to Baghdad: Ancient Iraq and the Modern West
This free eBook brings together ancient Iraq and the cultures of modern Western societies. Learn about the fight to preserve Iraq’s cultural heritage, to save the ancient sites, museums and precious artifacts damaged during the Iraq war.

Islam in the Ancient World
Interested in the ancient places, people and events of Biblical history that are also a part of the Islamic tradition? This free eBook explore some of Islam’s significant history and sites, bringing a new perspective to Biblical history and traditions. Featuring the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Fihrist, Abraham in the Bible and the Qur’an, Domat Al-Jandal and Qasr Marid.
Israel: An Archaeological Journey
As the point where three of the world’s major religions converge, Israel’s history is one of the richest and most complex in the world. This free eBook is a collection of articles written by scholars who have first-hand knowledge of their subjects. Sift through the archaeology and history of this ancient land, and get a view of these Biblically-significant sites through an archaeologist’s lens.