Posts by admin

Bible Study – Old Testament Poetry

Posted by on Mar 17, 2012 in Bible Study Guide, Bible Study Methods

Poetry is a highly stylized type of writing and is very different from prose. Poetry often follows a rhythm or beat. For this reason, sometimes words are used that would not normally be considered to get a clear point across. Also, sometimes words are left out that would normally be included in common speech. For this reason, poetry must be studied differently than prose.

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Proving the Existence of God part 2

Posted by on Mar 10, 2012 in Creation, Doctrine, Science

The existence of God is not something that can be proven using scientific methods, but we can use these same scientific laws and see that the very existence of the Universe requires an all-powerful Creator. The fact that the Universe exists defies scientific law. There are only three options for the existence of the Universe:

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Proving the Existence of God part 1

Posted by on Mar 3, 2012 in Creation, Doctrine, Godhead, Science, The Bible

When dealing with unbelievers (such as atheists, agnostics, etc.), they generally scoff at the idea of a supreme Deity and they usually ask for definite scientific proof for the existence of God. Can God be proven scientifically? Not directly. Why? God created all things- including science. This means He lives outside of science. He is not governed by the laws that we observe as science. Science deals with what we can see, observe, demonstrate, test, measure, etc. God lives outside of the constraints of the Universe and its laws. But we can use these same scientific laws and show how they indirectly support the existence of God.

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