Ryan Gustason, of PentecostalBlogger.com has developed a 200-page Bible study notebook that is great for taking sermon notes, bible study notes, class notes, personal devotions, and more. You can read more here:
When dealing with unbelievers (such as atheists, agnostics, etc.), they generally scoff at the idea of a supreme Deity and they usually ask for definite scientific proof for the existence of God. Can God be proven scientifically? Not directly. Why? God created all things- including science. This means He lives outside of science. He is not governed by the laws that we observe as science. Science deals with what we can see, observe, demonstrate, test, measure, etc. God lives outside of the constraints of the Universe and its laws. But we can use these same scientific laws and show how they indirectly support the existence of God.
Learn MoreApostolic Evangelist George Cardenas, of Reap WorldWide Ministries, has been working hard in his spare time to develop an Apostolic Study Bible. He plans to first complete the New testament, and then work on the Old Testament. You can see his work on the New Testament, which is available in several file types, here:
Apostolic Bible Version 2000
George is also working on an Apostolic commentary. You an see what he has written so far here:
Apostolic Commentary
Learn MoreThe Holy Bible : arranged so as to give as far as possible the accuracy, precision and certainty of the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures on the pages of the Authorized version, by means of simple and appropriate signs, and with the divine titles distinguished and explained (1890)
The Thomas Newberry Bible is available for Kindle, EPUB, PDF, and more., including an online version. It can be downloaded here:
Newberry Bible
Learn MoreAlready Compromised by Ken Ham and Greg Hall from Master Books (a division of New Leaf Publishing Group) is an examination of Christian colleges and the state of their faith. Ham and Hall evaluate Britt Beemer’s America’s Research Group’s poll of 200 Christian colleges and universities on core faith questions, and the results are startling.
The Apostles believe they were living in the last days.
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. (2Th 2:1-2 KJV)
If they were in the last days, we are even closer to the end. Could 2012 be the beginning of the end? Definitely, but not because it’s 2012. The year 2012 has nothing to do with it. Only God knows when the end will be, but He has given us signs to know we are living in the end times.
Learn MoreMany of us don’t feel comfortable writing in our Bibles. The more expensive the Bible the harder it is to take a pen to it and start writing. Many times I write something barely legible and try to fix it only to make it worse. I used to struggle to come up with something to write, and when I did finally write something it was almost irrelevant. Sometimes I would write an observation that was so obvious that the note didn’t help me. Here are a few tips that may help you if you want to write in your Bible but don’t know where to start.
Learn MoreBook study is the most basic and fundamental Bible study method. It can be helpful to study a little here and a little there, but studying the whole book helps keep everything in its proper context. Studying the Word of God one book at a time helps to get the big picture. It’s like looking at the Scriptures first with a telescope before looking at the Scriptures through a microscope. The telescope gives us the proper foundation to see how all the parts fit together as a whole so that when we look through the microscope we can better understand how the parts relate to each other and how they are to be applied.
Learn MoreMost Christians struggle to pray just a few minutes a day. Eventually, a few minute a day becomes a few minutes a week. A lot happens to our spiritual health and growth when we let our prayer time slip. We become caught up in the cares of the world. We lose sight of what God wants us to do. We become lukewarm, and eventually cold and backslid. The solution is prayer, but the question that keeps us from prayer is how to start. How do we build a successful prayer life that will help us to grow in God?
Cambridge has been busy bringing out new editions. Their newest edition is an old classic in a new package. The Concord is a classic setting that has been around for many years, but now it’s available in calf split leather.
Learn MoreJournaling is a great interactive Bible study method. It helps you to interact with God’s Word by recording your thoughts on what you’re reading. Going back through your journal can help you reflect on what God has shown you in His Word. Your journal can be in your Bible, in a separate notebook, or even in a digital format. Your journaling method can be as simple as recording a thought about a passage, or as complex as developing a verse-by-verse commentary. Journaling is a great way to grow deeper in God’s Word.
Learn MoreR L Allan’s latest King James edition is the nice wide margin that was formerly published by Oxford. The font, layout, and margin are the same, but this wide margin has been given Allan’s exquisite binding treatment, making it the most durable and flexible wide margin available in KJV.
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